Thursday, December 12, 2013

Homemade gifts!

This year for the Christmas season, I decided to make something for a few friends, neighbors and coworkers. I found this great homemade hot chocolate mix recipe on my fav site (Pinterest) and knew it was the perfect idea.

Next, I wanted to make cute little custom labels. On a day I had time to browse, I wandered around Michaels to get inspired. Ended up finding label stickers in the bridal aisle and found some supplies to make cute little tags. See the finished product:

I was so happy with how they turned out and really loved making something for a few of the wonderful people in my life. 

Do you make homemade gifts? My mom makes homemade Baileys every year and it's DELICIOUS. Will have to get a picture to share! 

Friday, December 6, 2013

This New Life = Productive

It's amazing how much you can do in a day when you don't spend 3 hours of it on a bus..... Seriously, though. There were multiple times today I actually asked Brian if it was the right time. I went to a meeting over breakfast, painted my nails, assisted my mentor with 2 showings in a town 20 minutes away, downloaded new music and created a couple playlists, kicked my own ass in a workout, watched a documentary, did a little searching on the MLS and attended a 3 hour Real Estate class 45 minutes away. Got home from that and just spent an hour working on my business. I'm even still up to watch Jimmy Fallon. I mean, WHAT?! 

This new life is here to stay. L.O.V.E.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

On leaving my job...

Today marks the end of an era. Today, I said goodbye to the successful women who chose to bring a fresh college grad onto their team. Today, I said goodbye to the building I still remember walking into for my interview while dreaming this job would become a reality. It was my very first "real job" at my absolute dream company. 

Earlier this year, I figured out what it is I want to spend my career doing and made the very scary decision to leave my stable, comfortable job at a world-class company to pursue it. 

Today, as I live out this decision, I'm excited, scared, anxious, nervous, determined and a little sad. I'm walking away from a team environment where people cheer each other on and walking into a very competitive, sometimes cut-throat environment where everyone is trying to sell more than the other guy. I'm walking away from a salary and cutting my family's monthly income almost in half. I've been told it takes months and months to start making money in real estate and that's referring to the really, really great agents. That's pretty nerve racking to say the least. 

But, making a huge change is always scary. I think the scariest changes most of the time yield the greatest results. So, I'm jumping in with both feet. Can't wait to write this next chapter of my life. 

So, here it goes....